Oyster Dinner
Coast to Mountain: Wild Wadden Oysters
On this special evening we welcomed fresh oysters (and more) directly from the Dutch Waddensea. Brought over by the Fisher family - Barbara and Jan Geertsema-Rodenburg - who, together with their crew, hand-picked and harvested them from wild oyster banks at the coast.
We met Barbara and Jan and listened to their seafaring stories while sharing a drink or two with them. By the end of the evening we didnot only know how to open oysters, we also understood how the responsibility for the protection of brooks, rivers and the sea - from mountain to coast - is one we must all share.
In addition to the oysters we served a handmade ‘doordraaisoep', a thick fish soup served with roasted seaweed (Fucus spiralis) and grey shrimp. Along with Amphibolite and Atmospheres Brut from Jo Landron. And for dessert 'duindoorncake' - a sea buckthorn cake.
Zürich, November 12, 2015
Photos: Gerber Loesch Photography
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